Sunday, September 20, 2009


I heard this record - "The World Is Going Up In Flames" on FBI radio this morning and it blew me away. Have a listen.

A guy called Charles Bradley is the singer and boy has he got a set of tonsils. It is real Otis Redding, James Brown and Wilson Pickett style stuff. The backing band is the Menahan Street Band and they churn out a true, fat sixties and seventies STAX type soul sound.

Sounds sensational. Check them out below.

They are from Noo Yawk and are pretty hot in the US at the moment.

They just happen to be playing at the Gaelic Club on this coming Thursday night - 24 September - and tix are $50.

Could be a great show and these guys could be massive in 12 months time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009